So where has James been and why has there been no blogging activity?
Well I did take a short trip to Florida, but now I'm in full-swing of selling our home in Lexington, KY. We moved from there about 2 years ago to Richmond, KY, and tried to make a go of it as Landlords until the housing market flourished again.
Well listening to
Dave Ramsey, the market in many areas is already coming back. And the renting market in this area is very saturated - so now is the time to make the move!
So now I shall shamelessly plug our Realtor and our listing!
She's absolutely perfect for selling our home!
Our house is located at 613 Hugging Bear Lane in Lexington, KY 40509. It is a 3BR, 2BA ranch-style house with a 2-car garage and fenced-in backyard.
Easy to remember link names to our listing!!
Call her today! Now! What are you waiting for???