Monday, January 4, 2010

VegChili & Thai Pie

That pictured pizza is not mine, but it's close!!

I took more than inspiration from Saul Good's Thai Pizza tonite to make something delish! It is still a work in progress though so no recipe yet. But the sauce that makes it is the sweet chili sauce! Omg it's good! Tonite I used some tofu cubes & veggie mozzarella too. Forgot the peanuts and I need a better dough so stay tuned!

Sunday night we had a veggie chili. It was simple yet tasty! I used a spice chili veg mix from Whole Foods - a bit spicy but yum! I threw some tofu crumble in the pan, heated. Added water, spice mix, stirred heavily. Threw in kidney beans with their water, chopped onion, lots of garlic cloves, salt, pepper, ta-da! Boiled for a tad bit, simmered for 20, and yum yum good! Leftovers for lunch tomorrow too!

Have a great Tuesday!

(iphone post)

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Ahhh VEG Out!

A healthier year... That was a resolution I made for 2010. I didn't get specific - I'm hoping to do that with mini-goals along the way.

We took a trip to Whole Foods today. I thought it was going to be outrageously expensive but I was surprised by the total bill for a week's worth of breakfast, lunch, dinner, & 2 snacks a day - about $28 a day for two!

I was very disappointed in their produce selection. Sure everything was organic, but there was not much diversity. We couldnt even find any green onions or fresh parsley!

I did love their measure your own aisle for beans, rice, dried fruits, and nuts. Lots of diversity there! I was surprised to see only a small section for tofu - maybe this is demand driven?

But we walked away with some good stuff - hopefully a lot less cholesterol & fat, and even a little less in calories.

We made a veggie meatloaf that was a bit spicy but mmm mm good - and no cholesterol!

Here's to a good start!

Location:Richmond, KY