Thursday, October 13, 2011

Taco Salad Soup

I know it's been a few days since I posted, but been busy staying BELOW my calorie count, getting ready for a DJ gig, working on my new job, etc.

But I have a new recipe for you.  Now, I agree it's a bit high on the fat side, and I will cut that next time I make it by reducing the cheese & taking out the bacon bits - live and learn :)  But OMG it's delicious!  All ingredients and counts right below except for seasonings, which follow in cooking directions - try it!  It's goood!

Spices:  Dash of Salt, Ground pepper to taste, onion powder, dash of Emmeril's essence, cumin, chili powder, dash of tobasco, garlic powder.
  1. Get your big soup pan - the big one, not the huge stock one but the 3 quart one.  Add the olive oil in the bottom, heat.  
  2. Throw in the chicken - yeah we're gonna cook it IN the stock pan.  Take ALL the spices and put them on top of the chicken, cover and let cook for I don't know say 5 minutes on high.
  3. Things starting to burn?  Good!  That's flavor people!  Now flip the chicken, hang out for 1 minute, then add about 1/3 cup of water.
  4. While that's a-brewing, take the chicken stock powder, add it to 4 cups of hot water.  Whisk the hell out of it and then add the rice.
  5. Make sure all your veggies are chopped - not too fine, but in nice chunks.  
  6. Once you think the chicken is just about done, pour the chicken stock & rice water in the pan (still on high!), and add all the veggies & cheese.
  7. When everything is good and bubbling, add in the sour cream, stir stir stir.  Add water if you don't think it's enough - but slowly!
  8. Let it boil for eh maybe 5-7 minutes, take off the heat, and let it sit a good 15 minutes - helps to thicken and marry the tastes.
  9. Top with the bacon bits (or for less fat, don't) and serve!
I think the secret here is that I never drain anything.  I just cook everything in the same pan and never ever take anything out.  All the wonderful taste can do nothing but melt into this delicious creamy soup!

Bon Apetit'!!!

PS - notice I never cut the chicken into chunks.  Well it's up to you.  This served 2 of us, and to make sure both of us got the same amount of chicken, I left the chicken whole then took it out with tongues and used kitchen shears to chunk it up equally into 2 bowls, then added the soup.  But you can certainly cut it up before you even cook it - up to you!  And remember to take all the totals and divide by 2 to get the PER SERVING totals!

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